An established group dedicated to protecting and promoting the rural economy across the United Kingdom
We believe that by challenging rural policymakers at both a local and national level we can increase awareness of the issues that matter most and give those who play a critical role in shaping our countryside a voice that matters now and, in the years ahead.
The Group’s focus is not just about farming but the entirety of the rural economy – covering topics from technology, transport, education, employment, climate change and ensuring the next generation knows about the critical role the rural economy plays in the UK.
Our membership meets three times a year in the Houses of Parliament with MPs, Peers, councils, government departments, businesses and academics. We pride ourselves on providing a platform for the rural community to come together and share their experience and provide evidence to strengthen the resilience of the rural economy.
Bring together over a hundred stakeholders, academics, businesses and interested parties to participate in debates with policymakers on topics such as food security and water management and the impact these issues have on the rural economy and the environment.
Connect hundreds of rural economy businesses, British farmers and academics to national and local decision-makers and rural policymakers.
Commission a report on water management in the rural economy and present it to Government ahead of the rainy season with recommendations on how to protect and promote the interests of British farmers, the countryside and the rural economy.
Commission a report on what reforms are needed to ensure a stable, safe and affordable food supply in the UK. The report would focus on policy measures to support sustainable farming practises, enhance food production technologies and mitigate food waste.
To find out more about how being a member of the Rural Economy Research Group can help you and your organisation.
Join our growing rural economy community of academics, professionals, businesses and landowners.
Be part of the rural economy debate and have your voice heard on issues that are important to you and your organisation.
We host a series of events throughout the year including three parliamentary receptions.
To keep up to date and informed on our plans please enter your email below.